Soul Matrix – Level 1- old
Soul Matrix – Level 1
Presented by Lynette.
Chosen Channel of Ascended Master Kuthumi
Humanity has been functioning with only a small amount of Soul integration for many of our Linear years. The matrix of Source is now helping us to open, to expand and translate our Divinity into our humanity – our Divine – Human experience |
- Learn to clear and transform negative programs to enable you to step into your true self
- You are much more than your physical body. You are a multi-dimensional being
- Learn to read your Akashic Records – Past – Present – Future
- Understand how to clear and maintain your auric field
- Two levels of DNA activation’s are included to enable you to expand from the cellular to the Divine Matrix levels and raise your vibration to much higher levels
- Ignite your Intuition
We work with the Three Fold Flame of the heart and activate the Octahedron of Universal Flow.
- We activate your Pineal Gland/Third Eye to assist your intuition accuracy
- Through Soul Matrix you will experience profound transformation of your life experiences, as you grow into a new level of spiritual growth and understanding. You learn to live your Soul Divinity daily.
- With clearing your bodies and expanding your Third Eye, and DNA activation’s, connecting to the Akashic records you are able to ignite your intuition for yourself, and paying clients if you choose, which could provide an income stream for you.
What others say :I participated in the Soul Matrix Level 1 course a few weeks ago. I started the course with little knowledge about the soul and higher self. By the time I finished the course, Master Kuthumi and Lynette prepared me with the tools needed to help me continue on my spiritual journey. I highly encourage everyone to join regardless of where they’re at in their journey. I look forward to the next course, and to keep growing spiritually! Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity given with this course – I have truly loved it and gained so, so much from it. Thank you both so much for the course, it was really enjoyable and so beneficial to be able to do it. Looking forward to the next one in time to come. From the time I registered, a greater flow entered my life. Somewhere within me I knew this would be beneficial, and yet I was still afraid – what if this, what if that? However, I was determined I was going to get there so I chose to focus on the excitement of attending. In no way, shape or form was I disappointed with this course, it was truly incredible! I thank them and the Master for providing such a huge opportunity to learn and grow in understanding. Joanna I learned the purpose of the soul, the power of manifestation!, the treasure inside me. I learn from you how to meditate, how to set a space for me and to think of me! How to see life in a more spiritual way – the way that is meant to be.. And I met HIM the master, the course was guided by his presence and energy. I can assure you I’m not the same person…… After the course I have clear knowledge of my life purpose, and my path. Thank you, thank you for all, Rene Three weeks ago I participated in a DNA activation session. I found Lynette to be and excellent caring teacher, full of great knowledge. My experience after this has been amazing. Lynette helped me navigate through the process with clarity and to clear a lot of blockages that have been holding me back, thus slowing my progress spiritually. I have participated in a number of courses with Lynette. Her preparation and presentation of these courses have made it so easy to follow. The information has been invaluable to my soul growth. She has been able to answer all my questions with ease. When she channels Master Kuthumi it is like he reaches directly to my Soul. I have found her courses to help me in all aspects of my life and I would highly recommend anyone to participate no matter where they are on their soul journey. |
- Create a life you want.
- Soul Matrix consists of eight face to face lessons, weekly, giving you needed time to integrate each session and keep you on track.
- Lessons are recorded so you can listen to a particular section again.
- Powerful Channelled meditations from the Ascended Masters are part of this course
- We connect via Zoom – This is an Interactive internet video conference.
What will I learn
- Learn how to clear old “programs” that no-longer serve you
- Step into your Divine gifts and create the life you want
- Learn to read your Akashic Records and fulfill your Soul purpose in this lifetime.
- Learn how to maintain and heal your auric field
- Discover Three fold flame of the heart
- Two levels of DNA activation’s – essential for the Divine/Human Light Codes of your Divinity
The Octahedron Universal flow
- Activation of your Pineal Gland/Third eye
- The Polarity of your soul lifetime
- And Much More…………………
Payment plans –
Full Payment of $380.00 or two payments of $190.00 available
Payment of $380.00 AUD |
Click Here to Order |