Celebrating 23 Years of Channeled Wisdom from the Masters of Light Through Mystery School Teachings, Meditations, Readings & Healings
Why The Masters Are Celebrating
Why The Masters Are Celebrating
Why indeed. Master Kuthumi takes an overall evolutionary approach – as we have come to expect. The focus of this channel from Master Kuthumi is you! He speaks of the foretold Great Shift. Humanity is in the middle of this shift now, transforming from a carbon to crystalline body. Transformation which requires us to live and become a higher frequency of energy. We are being assisted by God/Source/Earth/Universe. Look and you see all the signs being sent to us, to assist us, and to give comfort knowing that we are not alone!!
The Masters Colorful Overcoat
Master Kuthumi guides you through Lynette in this potent and powerful meditation, connecting you to waiting Ascended Masters and igniting your true Soul power. The frequencies created are high, and these frequencies are used to empower your intentful wishes for humanity and our planet. You are showered in unconditional love as the Masters cover you in your entirety in a Blessed colorful ‘overcoat.’ Your physical cellular structure will respond.