Celebrating 23 Years of Channeled Wisdom from the Masters of Light Through Mystery School Teachings, Meditations, Readings & Healings
Why Am I Here on Earth at This Time?
Why Am I Here on Earth at This Time?
This is a question many have been asking. We are experiencing many challenges which seem to go against our Soul knowledge. Master Kuthumi answers this question and I feel provides hope as well. He calls it your mission. I can agree with that. No doubt many of you can also. We are all bound through our Souls unconditional love. Our human side just needs to follow. I’m sure you will find Master Kuthumi’s words encouraging on your own journey.
Free Meditation for ALL Humanity
The Call From The Spiritual Hierarchy
This FREE Meditation is guided and energetically empowered by the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.
Earth’s electromagnetic field needs your help. This is a call from the Spiritual Hierarchy for our planet Earth