The Veil and Higher Consciousness

The Veil and Higher Consciousness

This message from Master Kuthumi is a very powerful and profound one.
All Light workers are needed now to stand and unite for humanities future.
He speaks of the battles of the Ethers, now moved to Earth, of the aspects of duality we must be aware of and to see how we need to watch our food and the ingredients. Also covered our inner weapons of power and Light energies. So much spoken of.
Kuthumi touches the tip of our future to 2040. No doubt more to come. We must move past our ‘crossroad’ and create through our powerful intent – a new Earth. This thought provoking and powerful message is one you need to read.

Pure Bliss - Meditation

The bridge of pure bliss through higher consciousness and unity is available to you.
The sacred pure Light joins with your pure Diamond Light – the gateway to Soul remembrance, Soul love, Soul Light.
Fill your entire being with rainbows of deep peace and love in pure bliss.
Renew your Soul essence within.

The Universal Emerald Heart Meditation

Master Kuthumi gave the Emerald Heart Meditation to me over 20 years ago.
It was given for humanity as he foresaw our many challenges to come.
The Emerald Ray, the deepest healing ray available to us.
He guides you through great intent to assist all living energies on Earth before radiating deeply to Earth’s inner core to nurture and heal.
Feel at One with all creation.

This Meditation will be free until the 22 March 2025

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