Celebrating 23 Years of Channeled Wisdom from the Masters of Light Through Mystery School Teachings, Meditations, Readings & Healings
Separation Begins Within
Separation Begins Within
In his latest channel Master Kuthumi brings many important points forward on how we have been, and some still remain, separated from our aspects of self. Those fragments which make up the totality of our self. Kuthumi has been urging us to maintain a closer relationship with our Soul for many months now. We are currently in the midst of humanities greatest transformation in our history. A sustained merging with your Soul will assist in health, the nervous system re-balance, and calm. Kuthumi explains why we must heal and move beyond feelings of separation.
Empowering Your True Identity - Meditation
In this fully channeled teaching meditation Master Kuthumi begins by guiding you to align your subtle bodies into the Oneness of who you are, before clearing the vortex where your boundaries of life are held. He leads you to The Archway of Oneness and asks you to repeat his sacred mantra which then echo’s throughout the universe. You are then guided to merge with the consciousness of all in your own complete Oneness.