2019 A Year of Higher Intention

As I enter the sacred space of the higher realms, Kuthumi comes forward to meet me, bathed in beautiful Light and a soft yet powerful love envelopes me in waves of energy. Behind him is so much Light. The Great White Brotherhood have come also and I’m suddenly covered in goosebumps. I am with them, in Light, in their energy field. I want to simply stay, but Kuthumi has a message to give you today. It concerns my question to him a few days ago. I asked for a message for our New Year 2019. In this profound channeling he speaks of Souls passing in shock, and how many will be called to assist. He speaks of the last six years and reuniting with your Soul Family members. Master Kuthumi goes on to speak of higher levels of intention and igniting the God/Source within you, and connecting your Heart Brain. He explains the Bridge of Light and the God/Source expansion within for 2019 – humanities timeline of awakening. There is more wisdom, more Higher Guidance given as you listen and experience his powerful energy.


Latest Channeled Meditation from Master Kuthumi

Master Kuthumi invites you into his special garden in this fully channeled meditation. He lovingly guides you to take a look from a much higher perspective and then, with his powerful energy guides you into your Soul’s perspective for the New Year. Though this meditation can be used at any time, the beginning of a new year is always a very powerful time.

Click here to purchase this beautiful new guided meditation


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