Celebrating 23 Years of Channeled Wisdom from the Masters of Light Through Mystery School Teachings, Meditations, Readings & Healings
2024 – Soul Freedom
2024 - Soul Freedom
Many wonder what the new year of 2024 will bring. Master Kuthumi speaks of this time before us as humanity continues on the path of transformation. And remember the word transformation means ‘change of form.’ This in a nutshell is what is happening to humanity. Kuthumi says the time of separation is over. It is a time to join together with like minded souls. He speaks of our monetary system and the changes coming also. However the main message is Soul freedom. Understanding Soul, it’s purpose. We will learn much in the new year, but we must stay strong as we navigate the many challenges presented to us.
Vision Quest - Meditation
Master El Moyra guides you in this journey of higher will and intent. Lower will crumbles in the dust as El Moyra leads you on a Light path to a special place, to view your own Light as part of One.
You will feel any changes you could choose to make to enable you to rise higher in your human essence. Experience your ‘Diamond Heart’, the connection gateway to the Great One. The first step is belief in yourself.