Path to Ascension – Channeled Course
Ascended Master Teachings
- It’s Unique
- It’s Magical
- It’s Enlightening
- It’s Easy to Understand and Follow
- It’s Master Kuthumi’s Channeled Homestudy Course
“Path to Ascension – Channelled Course”
Master Kuthumi has given this to Lynette so you can study at home at your own pace.
A doorway to
Higher Learning
Step by Step
What will I learn?
- Understand how to use spiritual energy to clear your auric field of lower negative energy, and to connect with the Higher Realms of Spirit. This understanding is essential. Negative energy is everywhere so it is important to know how to keep your energy field clear and vibrant.
- Discover the Sacred Breath exercises to integrate more Light and higher energies into your Auric field
- Learn about the two Healing Rays for the mental, emotional and physical bodies. It’s important to heal and clear these bodies in order to raise your vibrational level.
- Discover the Ancient Lemurian exercise given by Master Kuthumi to strengthen your Light Body to help you cope with the energy changes on our planet today
- Learn about the four Spiritual Laws and the importance of understanding and integrating these into your life.
- Enjoy a channeled Inner Child meditation from Master Lady Mary.
- Learn the importance of creating a “Freedom Space” for your journey and much more.

Key of Faith
- Experience the cleansing and clearing through the Sacred Fire
- Embrace the miracles of Divine Light
- Explore Energy and the Universal Laws
- Learn about Change and Fear
- What is Divine Light?
This knowledge will assist you to clear you Auric field, to raise your vibration, to let go of that which no longer serves you, to find the truth held within your Soul. It’s time to awaken to Higher Wisdom, to awaken to your Soul purpose in this life – a life of acknowledging your unique path forward to the Light of your Soul.This course “Keys To Soul ” gives you an Ascended Master’s teaching, including the “Ancient Truths”, channeled through Lynette, Master Kuthumi’s chosen channel for many years.
This knowledge will help you release old fears, to find your own truth hidden deep within your Higher Heart. This will assist you in your daily life as you obtain inner peace and wellness.The Time is NOW!
“My peace and love I bring to you
My Blessings I bring to you
Ancient wisdom I bring to you
Open your mind to recieve the knowledge of your Soul
Open your heart to the Oneness of
“I am that I Am”
Master Kuthumi
Empower yourself through the Light.Embrace the Miracles of Divine Grace.Let there be Light – Live it – Breathe it, This is your Destiny
Students Comments
As a result of Master’s teachings, I have become more aware of the damaging effects of judging, negativity, and fear, and have learnt how to let go of them and allow the love, peace and joy to flow.
Lee, SingaporeIt has enabled me to step into my future with joy and renewed purpose.
Paul, Texas
Every single day gave me so many insights, directions, blessings that will guide me in my future work.
Pricilla, Thailand.
To those of us who began walking on the path to enlightenment and therefore have been guided to this website, I only can recommend the course. I can assure you, when you walk out of this course, your life will not be the same as it was before. Not only that you will be given wonderful meditations, you can use and work with at home, you also will receive great lessons how to master your everyday life. With these tools handed out to you, you will be able to stay in touch with those higher energies you first experienced on the course. Thank you Lynette for being such a beautiful soul and such a wonderful instrument for our Master.
Wolfgang. Vienna
Lynette and Mike..Thank you for all…. let me tell you my story..One day In my life… I have to make a decision… you know those times when one is uncertain and with a not so clear future… but a decision had to be made…. a simple decision involving all the course of my life path pertaining to my soul purpose or continue living as a person of the “world” having success, money but with an emptiness in my heart… then I took the course…. yes in that time I became unemployed… but I gained courage and set aside the fear and attended… that decision changed my life!!!…. the course gave me insightful knowledge that there is more in this life than the material side! that exist a soul purpose and a whole new bigger world… I learned the purpose of the soul, the power of manifestation!, the treasure inside me!…. Meeting you is Incredible…. I learn from you how to meditate, how to set a space for me and to think of me! how to see life in a more spiritual way – the way that is meant to be… And I met HIM the master, the course was guided by his presence and energy, his advice and teachings in the course were a balsam in my life and the personal advice a treasure to hold in all my time life….. I can assure you I’m not the same person…… After the course I have clear knowledge of my life purpose, and my path. And the most important gift of all….
I know how to master my life now!…..Thank you, thank you for all,
Rene Briones ( Mexico )
All – yes All – students had their natural Soul Light activated!
Downloadable home study with Master Kuthumi, World Teacher, through his chosen channel Lynette.
“Through Knowledge comes Understanding,