Master Kuthumi’s Teachings Vol 1 – Temp out of Stock


Ascended Master Kuthumi, in this book has channeled a broad ranging collection of teachings on present and previous incarnations, joy, inner peace, worthiness, and creating abundance through your mind.

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Kuthumi-Teachings-Vol1-smA book of Ascended Master Kuthumi’s Teachings   Temporarily out of Stock

$29.95aud plus $15.00aud Postage

Is This Divine Timing?

Now, an opportunity to connect to your soul, to gain direction in these evolutionary times. Kuthumi speaks on subjects such as;

  • The First Steps
  • Learning From Fear
  • Expectations
  • Change
  • Previous Incarnations
  • Abundance
  • Masters Quotes

The answer is within you – this book helps you find the answers.
A must for all walking the path of Light


Ascended Master Kuthumi, in this book has channeled a broad ranging collection of teachings on present and previous incarnations, joy, inner peace, worthiness, and creating abundance through your mind. Here are messages on the changes beginning to take place in our world, the way the planets affect us, the help, love and joy we can receive if we accept it, and the answer to questions such as why am I here? Is the effort worthwhile? Is all of your change good? Previously incarnated as Pythagoras, Balthazar and Francis of Assisi, among others, Master Kuthumi currently shares the role of world teacher and in this collection of teachings brings inspiration, comfort, hope and knowledge from a unique perspective. Through his channel, Lynette Leckie-Clark he has answered questions not yet asked, solved problems not yet encountered and challenged us to see a wider view.

Channeled through Lynette
Chosen Channel

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