Celebrating 23 Years of Channeled Wisdom from the Masters of Light Through Mystery School Teachings, Meditations, Readings & Healings
Your First Step of Remembering the Kingdom of Light
Your First Step of Remembering the Kingdom of Light
This channel is a timely reminder to those who are opening the door to the higher truths and also those already on their path of enlightenment. It is a very important message from Kuthumi as we move away from centuries of darkness and control. We are at our core, beings of Light energy. You could say in this year of 2025 the planets join us to help shift old energetic patterns. These patterns of behavior and thought patterns are familiar, so we easily gravitate back to lower patterns. The Ascended Masters have guided us for many Linear years to assist us in leaving the old ways behind, to embrace our true selves and also to understand the process. In this year of great change of not just ourselves, but all their old systems, financial and government systems, we must be aware. This is a message from Kuthumi to always remember on your wonderful journey.