The Call From The Spiritual Hierarchy


This FREE meditation is guided and energetically empowered by the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood – named for their combined expansive white Light energy.
Earth’s electromagnetic field needs your help.


Meditation For The People FREE

This FREE meditation is guided and energetically empowered by the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood – named for their combined expansive white Light energy.
The Earth’s electromagnetic field needs your help.
Events over the previous two years have created a heavy energy in the Ethers from people’s fear and stressful thoughts.
Please join Lynette and the Ascended Masters in this meditation for the people.
We ask you share this meditation freely in your mailing list so everyone can contribute energetically to save humanity and Earth.
This is a call from the Spiritual Hierarchy for our planet Earth.

Channeled through Lynette – Chosen Channel

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Kuthumi School of Wisdom
May not be Changed in any way

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