Masters Channeling’s

Current Channeled Teachings

Your First Step of Remembering the Kingdom of Light

Master Kuthumi
This channel is a timely reminder to those who are opening the door to the higher truths and also those already on their path of enlightenment.
It is a very important message from Kuthumi as we move away from centuries of darkness and control. We are at our core, beings of Light energy. You could say in this year of 2025 the planets join us to help shift old energetic patterns.
These patterns of behavior and thought patterns are familiar, so we easily gravitate back to lower patterns.

Integration in 2025

Master Kuthumi speaks of the new year – 2025

What do the Ascended Masters see for humanity? A time of integration and importantly, acceptance of yourself, of your Soul power – Soul thinking whilst held in physical form.
This is a time the Masters have been waiting for. Waiting for thousands of our Linear years.
Kuthumi speaks of old volcanoes and Earth cycles of weather, of no-time. As some move to 5th, even to 6th dimensional energies, Kuthumi speaks of healing abilities.

Why Am I Here on Earth at This Time?

This is a question many have been asking. We are experiencing many challenges which seem to go against our Soul knowledge. Master Kuthumi answers this question and I feel provides hope as well. He calls it your mission. I can agree with that. No doubt many of you can also. We are all bound through our Souls unconditional love. Our human side just needs to follow. I’m sure you will find Master Kuthumi’s words encouraging on your own journey.

Free Meditation for all Humanity

The Call From The Spiritual Hierarchy

This FREE meditation is guided and energetically empowered by the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood

Earth’s electromagnetic field needs your help.  This is a call from the Spiritual Hierarchy for our planet Earth.

Why The Masters Are Celebrating

Why indeed. Master kuthumi takes an overall evolutionary approach – as we have come to expect.
The focus of this channel from Master Kuthumi is you! He speaks of the foretold Great Shift.
Humanity is in the middle of this shift now, transforming from a carbon to crystalline body.
Transformation which requires us to live and become a higher frequency of energy. 

Bringing The Ancient Wisdom To Today

Master Kuthumi joins Lynette once more with a thought provoking message.

He speaks of the ways of the old seers and our world today.
How we can bring back that Soul knowing, Soul peace into our very breath, choosing to live a better way forward?
Not only en-mass but importantly as individuals.
Kuthumi explains plainly as always. As he says “it is your choice.”
Really that is the seed, the truth. It’s not too late.

2024 - Soul Freedom

Many wonder what the new year of 2024 will bring.
Master Kuthumi speaks of this time before us as humanity continues on the path of transformation. And remember the word transformation means ‘change of form.’ This in a nutshell is what is happening to humanity. Kuthumi says the time of separation is over.
It is a time to join together with like minded souls.
He speaks of our monetary system and the changes coming also. However the main message is Soul freedom.
Understanding Soul, it’s purpose. We will learn much in the new year, but we must stay strong as we navigate the many challenges presented to us.

Separation Begins Within

In his latest channel Master Kuthumi brings many important points forward on how we have been, and some still remain, separated from our aspects of self. Those fragments which make up the totality of our self.
Kuthumi has been urging us to maintain a closer relationship with our Soul for many months now.
We are currently in the midst of humanities greatest transformation in our history.
A sustained merging with your Soul will assist in health, the nervous system re-balance, and calm.
Kuthumi explains why we must heal and move beyond feelings of separation.

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