Celebrating 23 Years of Channeled Wisdom from the Masters of Light Through Mystery School Teachings, Meditations, Readings & Healings
Integration in 2025
Integration in 2025
Master Kuthumi speaks of the new year – 2025
What do the Ascended Masters see for humanity? A time of integration and importantly, acceptance of yourself, of your Soul power – Soul thinking whilst held in physical form. This is a time the Masters have been waiting for. Waiting for thousands of our Linear years. Kuthumi speaks of old volcanoes and Earth cycles of weather, of no-time. As some move to 5th, even to 6th dimensional energies, Kuthumi speaks of healing abilities.
He speaks of the Sacred Silence known as the Core of Silence in a year of change, integration and acceptance of your totality. Kuthumi has fully channeled a guided journey through the Cone of Silence meditation – a cornerstone of your integration. Take a listen to more words of wisdom from Ascended Master Kuthumi of the Great White Brotherhood/The Council of Light.
Cone of Silence
This meditation is fully channeled from Master Kuthumi through his chosen channel Lynette. He has given this exercise to assist us through the challenging times we face and also – perhaps most importantly – a guide to reconnect to your Soul essence, uniting with God/The One. It is a time of no questions, no seeking, no manifesting, as you are guided to no-time – the Masters realms. Kuthumi guides you tenderly, as always with respect and unconditional love. This is a powerful meditation. It can be as long or as short as you choose. In a short Linear time you will be able to slip into the Cone of Silence effortlessly at will. It is a cornerstone of transformation, of rememberance.