Ascended Master Kwan Yin

Ascended Master Kwan Yin

Ascended Master Kwan YinI am known as Kwan Yin.
I assist those who have known great turmoil and pain in their life.
Those who are suffering, I extend my unconditional love and healing to you.
I teach that great Soul growth is possible for you.
With assistance, powerful healing and with the Ancient Knowledge available you are able to rise to great heights of pure Light.
This is the destiny of all Souls, whatever your journey in this lifetime.
The Lotus flower rises from the mud and blooms in magnificence.
So to can you, precious Soul.

You are then able to assist other Souls, those unable to see, who have no strength to rise out of their pain and misery.
Knowledge is also a great healer and opens a long path forward to enrich and heal.
This is my gift to all.

Master Kwan Yin

(Picture courtesy of artist Kinsley Jarrett and Hooper Publications, Ltd., Australia
From the book Visions of the Ascended Masters – Patricia Hooper Publisher)

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